About Us

About Us

Being Followers – Making Followers

The call we are attempting to answer is the simple call of
Jesus found in Matthew 28. His admonition to his
disciples was that they go into all the world and continue
not only what they had been doing (which was following)
but now to do what he himself had been doing: making
It is one of the simplest commands: be followers making followers. It is also one of the greatest commands were
given. Jesus not only invites us to follow him and expereience the blessing of walking faithfully in God’s Spirit, but he actually includes us in his own work. We now have responsibility of working with God to see transformation happen in our own lives, and the priviledge of walking beside others who are seeking the righteousness that God provides.
Here you will find people who are on a journey together. We have one arm grasping ahold of God who is leading us
heavenward, but we are also reaching back, not to hold onto to things of the world, but reaching to any who wish to
follow along.
If you are looking for a place where people join together in love, truth and grace: following Jesus and helping others
follow Jesus, then you will find your home here.